Wellsford A - Z

Wellsford to Warkworth Bus Service

Station Road East, Wellsford , Auckland

Business Details

Bus route 998 provides a non-stop connection between Wellsford and Warkworth and connects with services to Snells Beach, Algies Bay, Matakana, Point Wells and Omaha as well as to the Hibiscus Coast, where you can connect through to Auckland.

This service runs hourly, seven days a week. 

In Wellsford, this service uses a bus stop on Station Road East and on State Highway 1 near the Memorial Park. 

Fares can be paid using cash or an AT Hop card. Prepaid blue AT HOP cards are $20 and come preloaded with $10 HOP money. These can be purchased from ‘Shop at the Top’ Four Square.

For timetable and route details, download the brochure below.


1 zone (eg Wellsford to Waiwera)

Adult $1.95
Child, Student (16-19) and Accessibility $1.05
Tertiary $1.50

Supergold free after 9 a.m. weekdays and any time weekends

2 zones (Wellsford to anywhere on Hibiscus Coast)

Adult $3.45
Child, Student and Accessibility $2.05

5 zones (Wellsford to Britomart)

Adult $7.60
Child, Student 16-19) and Accessibility $4.50
Tertiary $5.85

Map Location

Find us
Station Road East, Wellsford , Auckland